Friday, April 23, 2010


Thank Goodness it is Friday all day I was thinking I would love to blog but don't have anything to blog about until my way home from work and the thoughts started pouring out. So Recently I have felt challenged to start memorizing scripture.....start like it has been a long time. So somehow I felt like I was supposed to memorize Titus 2:3-5 which is how older women are supposed to teach younger women and the awesome characteristics God wants us as women to possess. So I have started memorizing it and feel like I have the generalness of it but this summer I have decided to learn this scripture and write it on my heart, like I could sit down and feel God's passion come out of me if someone asked me what Paul is talking about here.

Today at work I had an interaction with a person that I haven't ever really met before but he was asking me some questions about myself and he was asking about me and why I am doing what I am. Well whenever someone asks me why I am a secretary I have to say because I get to work at my church on monday. I am willing to be a secretary which in the eyes of everyone is pretty lowly especially when you just graduated with a college degree....whatever. I get to serve Jesus all days of the week but Monday he has allowed me to set aside that time to develop the women leaders in our church. So some how it came up that he attends church....somewhere here in town. As I was driving home today I was thinking about this conversation and how by looking at him and hearing him talk I wouldn't think for one second he is a christian.....

So I began thinking about Titus which I had just got done reading a commentary on it at the end of today and at the end of these packed 3 verses it says, "and be subject to your husbands so that no one will malign the word of God." I could go on and on about how so many people take this out of context or as a women they feel it is oppressive to them but I challenge you if you feel that oppression to explore God's love and his actions towards us and his Church. So my question to you is if you claim to be a christian we should be marked by that and no one should question if you are or wonder what it means to be a christian because that person says they are or they go to church but they act just like me and there life is just like mine!!!

It is huge how much a wife can show Jesus and his message to others or how she can tear it down, malign it and make the word of God worthless to the lost by her actions. I am trying to tie this together in my crazy head. I as a wife never want my actions towards my husband to make anyone question Jesus, us lovingly submitting to our husbands is a choice it isn't about if you have the same privileges as a man or about rights...... it is about the lost having eternal life and receiving God's life. A women is so important....A wife is so important that you can bring people to or from Jesus!!! I am excited to see what this summer holds and what I get to learn.... and definitely learn alot about loving my husband.....which is something that every person has to learn/be taught.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Leah! Just found you off of Heather's blog. I like the part about Titus.
