Friday, June 18, 2010


If you always spend more time looking for the perfect fabric to sew with rather than actually sewing, this store will give you hope that there is awesome fabric out there. A couple of months ago I thought it would be cool to open a fabric store, I spend time looking for fabric for our headboard but could never find quite what I wanted. I also couldn't even find a few fabric stores that gave me hope. I found this one though it is called Whip Stitch Fabrics. Here is a picture of there shop and a link below about a women's blog that went and visited. She sells some of her fabric on Etsy.

I at times dream of having a store like that where I can spend time meeting and hanging out with women all day, learning, and challenging myself in sewing. This dream is not for the near future, but I think it is giving me inspiration to keep sewing and trying new things, and making my own patterns from clothes I already love. Just a little insight into what my mind thinks about all day.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Starting my blog is the hardest thing, I never know how to start it without using the same phrase or opening Listen up, I guess. Today I am excited because Summer Conference is next week. This conference takes place every summer and is a way for our network of churches, 6 of them total to come together for 3 days. It is an amazing time to worship, to get prayer, and to be in God's presence. We get to leave next Tuesday and I get the whole week off of work :)!

This week though I have been wondering if there would be anything worth blogging about and I think there is finally something worthy of typing and proof reading. Every Wednesday night we have Lifegroup. Lifegroup is our opportunity to build community, grow as a disciple of Jesus, and pray for each other. The topic of lasts night discussion was Father God's Discipline. I myself have not done much of any studying on this topic, even thought I know I do not understand what God's discipline looks like. My main impression is that discipline is God's anger/wrath on our life because we are disobeying. So in our preparation for Lifegroup I learned a great deal about God's discipline that has begun to clear up alot of misunderstanding in me.

I still do not know how exactly to explain or give specific examples but the path that I have begun on is that God does not discipline us out of anger. A basic conclusion that we came to last night is that trials and events in our life that cause growth and a growing in righteousness can be seen as God's discipline. In times of trials and persecution there is still needed discernment on if it is from God or if it is a ploy by the enemy. The only way I can logically understand God's discipline is by looking at the purpose of it. The scripture we were reading out of was Hebrews 12:4-13. Gabe and I had a helpful commentary to explain what some of the verses meant. The purposes of Discipline that I took from this chapter were that discipline is to produce righteousness/growth in our relationship with God, it also points us back to Jesus when we have lost sight of him, and it is something that will provide an opportunity of encouragement of others going through the same struggles in their life and offer encouragement to them.

I think the purpose of Discipline helps to clear up, that God does not discipline us out of anger like parents do at times. The first purpose is to produce rightouesness. Righteousness is huge because I have not been a joyful person in suffering for the majority of my life. I tend to get angry at God and blame him for hardship instead of asking, What do you want to teach me? After about a week of soaking in my pride and being angry I start to see God opening my eyes and teaching me. I have seen great fruit in trials especially all last year as I struggled through how deep the pride in me runs and uprooting that. I have also expereinced it in God asking me to give up running to learn to see a right perspective of myself through his eyes. I am so thankful God's discipline is to produce rightoeusness not punishment.

Discipline/Trials have also shown in my life to direct my eyes to Jesus becuase I have forgotten. Even if I think many times that I have my eyes focused on God other things creep in. Examples for me are my job, meeting with people, and sleep. God tends to know exactly when to remind us of our priorities. So for me God reminds me that he comes first, I place my husband as the next priority, then church, then job, and anything else after that. It is always humbling to be reminded that he is the God of my life.

The last purpose of Discipline is to be able to encourage others who will go through the same things we have. In high school and early college I struggled greatly with depression and an eating disorder and through that time I continually asked why am I the one that has to experience this? Today I don't struggle with why I was the one going through the suffering, because that suffering has been used to bring him glory. I have had many opportunities to talk, support, and pray for these women who are suffering. The greatest thing is that God has healed me of all of it. It is a lie that you always have to deal with an eating disorder or depression. The journey of finding healing is not easy and for me required me to relearn how to live according to Jesus.

How do you respond to God's discipline? Do you ask God to grow you in righteousness and then complain like a baby when he brings experiences into your life to do so? Are you fighting against God because of pride or willingly bending where he wants you to go, what he wants you to do, for his glory? I think we miss many times that God and his desires are the only things that matter. Is your perspective on Discipline right? How do your eyes need to be opened?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Kitchen located above

Our living room

Me sewing my curtains
Our headboard
Our bed not painted
Our kitchen pot rack, Gabe's handy work
My new throw pillow covers I sewed

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Goodmorning....Ahhh the mid-week drowsiness is setting in, but I am excited that the sun is popping through after a few days of rain. So Gabe and I have been officially in our apartment for one week now and we are starting to adjust to the changes, the things that work and the things that are broken. :) I think I am starting to understand reality, no matter where you live something will always be broken or not work quite right and to make it work takes a little imagination.

One thing I have noticed in the week of being at our new apartment is my heart on doing housework and serving Gabe. All last year I struggled, despised, and drug my feet to do any form of housework. I despised cooking, cleaning, making our bed, doing the dishes, putting dinner away, and frankly did not care. In my heart I was hopeful that some day God would give me the desire to care for my home and serve Gabe and some day our children. I desire to provide a home that is relaxing and a place for Gabe to come home to without added stress. All last year I prayed that God would give me a desire to help, to do the dishes, and to cook. After work I would come home and be a blob sitting on the couch wanting to be lazy and just sleep and make Gabe do everything. First, I definitely did not have a servants heart towards serving Gabe and I cared more about my comfort and relaxation than being a team with Gabe. Things in our home are going to look differently in doing household tasks because I am not home all the time, I work full time and Gabe actually has less hours at work than I do. So right now our roles look differently than they will when I get to stay home with some little ones. Most days Gabe gets the joy of cooking and I mostly do dishes and the rest of the cleaning.

I have no excuse for not caring for my home that God has graciously given me. Just because I work full time that is not an excuse to come home and be a bum and force my husband to do everything. Since moving into our new apt- we have only been here for a week but already I feel like God has given me a greater heart to serve, to do the dishes, to do laundry, and to pick things up(be tidy). It is like God allowed a sudden change in moving to a new place for an inner heart change to happen inside of me. I currently am loving that I can be busy at home with a thankful and servant heart, not a grumbling one. Are you being busy at home, caring for your household? Even if you live by yourself or just have roomates you can be caring for your home with love. I used the excuse I will do it when I am married or when I have kids, but taking care of a home is not something that just happens overnight just because you walk down the isle. Learning how to care for your home is something that has to be learned, you must be taught! Do you care for your home? Do you care for it with a joyful or a grumbling spirit?

I am thankful that God has been answering my prayers because this is not something that I cared to cultivate prior to marriage. I knew taking care of my home was something I desired because of watching other women or reading about it in books, but I never thought it would be that hard. I think learning how to care for your home is something you have to learn/be taught just like we must learn how to love our husbands and children(Titus 2). Are you cultivating a servants heart that is busy at home not idle? Titus 2:3-5 are my favorite verses of who I want to become as a woman of God, if you have never read it check it out and memorize it, reflect on it. If you are struggling with taking care of your home keep praying don't give up, God will change your heart.

Check out this website/reading from another women:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

His Will

Hello everyone..... oh how I have missed blogging, but we have been busy moving into our new aptartment. As soon as we get internet there I will post some pictures of our new place and our finished bed that Gabe made, and the headboard I made. We have had a pretty busy two weeks with packing and traveling and then moving this last Saturday. I am thankful we are officially all moved in but at times the adjusting can be harder than the moving and that is the case for me right now. This whole week I have been thinking about what I want to blog about, you know since I can't blog anytime I wanted too. :)

Anyway In one of my earlier posts I said I was reading the book "The Normal Christian Life" by Watchman Nee. Well on Tuesday I spent some more time reading one of the chapters called Presenting Ourselves to God. I loved this chapter it talks about things that I have been praying that God would do in many of the women that I have relationship with through church and that he would continue doing in my life.

I will do my best to make my struggles and the things I am learning from the book coincide. As a follower of Jesus I think each day we have to choose to submit to his will daily and give up our desires for our life. Well for me, moving into this new apt. God is forcing me to move out of my will for a perfectly peaceful apt with no problems and no difficult people. I don't think I would be alive if that was the case. The apt we have moved into kind of fell into our lap and seemed to be perfect. The location is in a part of town that isn't exactly sought after but Gabe and I have in a round about way felt called to live in an area where "Normal" people do not want to live or would feel safe. This location is also near our church and apart of a neighborhood we deliver food to for people in need. Well moving in hasn't exactly been easy, many of our appliances are not working correctly or are flat out broken and God has placed some special neighbors in our lives that are much different than I have ever lived with.

Last night I wanted to quit, sometimes I just scream in my head and ask God to explain.I ask him to show me what he wants to teach me and ultimately realize that I am weak and I do not see what is best for God and his glory. I am only looking at what is comfortable for me. Am I and are you willing to do whatever God requires? Right now I am praying that God would humble me and put love in my heart for my neighbors and where he has placed me. So the book, The chapter I just read talks about submitting my life to God's will and that if I am going to say I am giving my life to the Lord I have to give all of it. I can't hold onto a part of it and expect God to use all of it, because I haven't given him my will. Some of the questions that Watchman Nee asks are "Are you willing to do God's will, what he chooses for you not what I choose for myself?" "Does all your desire in life center on his will?"

"God will not let anything of ourselves remain" watchman Nee, this quote has to be the best thing after going through a time of purging by God of things out of my life, but is seemingly torturious as you go through them. I can not continue to let my self-assertive will take over and destroy the glory that God deserves. "We cannot expect the Lord to live out his life in us if we do not give him our lives in which to live."by watchman nee. Okay so knife to the heart, am I standing in the way of God moving in my attitude about our new apt. Somedays I feel inadequate, but I am starting to think that is the best place for me to be inadequate and humble and there is not mistaking God's complete hand in his plan. I have no idea or can even comprehend God's greatness in teaching me things through the circumstances in my life but I am trying to pray that God would change my focus from being focused on what is going wrong, and how my plan isn't his plan, and thinking God's plan is faulty. God's plan is not Faulty!!!! Do you think his plan currently for your life is faulty?

This chapter in "The Normal Christian Life" has also really brought me to prayer for many of the women that I get to have a relationship with through church. This chapter has given me things to pray for these women about making decisions about choosing to stay here in Lafayette for the church, those wrestling with what it looks like to be stay at home mom's and God putting that desire in you, and for those of you who think God isn't using you or isn't going to use you. God does not think you or your life is mediocre, Nor should you be content with being mediocre. People should think you are crazy and radical because you love Jesus so much and your life looks so different than the worlds. Are you willing to give your life to his mission-for him to be glorfied!!!! Please don't try and hang onto your life because the future looks daunting. Fear only paralyzes us. GOD WILL CHANGE ALL OF OUR HEARTS TO BE FOCUSED ON HIM.